Healthcare drug and procedure prices, in a spreadsheet.
Hidden healthcare pricing is a thing of the past. All healthcare stakeholders deserve to be fairly compensated for the health they create. Whether you’re negotiating managed care contracts, optimizing your revenue cycle, or pricing your products, we have the data that will power your decision.
Use Cases
Find out how data has improved reimbursements and outcomes for PayerPrice customers.
Managed Care Contracting
Imagine negotiating with full knowledge of every provider’s rates. PayerPrice’s data has allowed amounts spanning 50 states, for all specialties, and for all CPT, HCPCS, DRG, & NDC codes.
Whether you represent a hospital, provider network, or a single clinic, you should know your competition’s pricing. Price transparency has reframed payer conversations, resulting in higher negotiated rates.
PayerPrice combines subject-matter expertise with big data to generate strategy-altering visualizations that seamlessly integrate into your contracting process.
Healthcare Finance & Advisory
Expanding your provider network? PayerPrice accelerates your market research. See all reimbursement rates and in-network coverage in your market. Find all providers by specialty in your target geography and their contracted rates.
Find out how PayerPrice augments your expertise and accelerates your projects today.
Pharma and MedDevice
See allowed amounts for NDC codes, MS-DRG codes, J-Codes, and Q-codes by provider, enabling your sales force to prioritize high-value prospects and sell effectively.