Key Features
The most comprehensive price transparency data set
We parse every payer file, every month. When you use PayerPrice, you know you're accessing all the data, not just a sample.
Query trillions of negotiated rates in seconds
Sign up and search through trillions of data points in seconds.
Rates that 'match to the penny'
Hundreds of audits yielded the same feedback: that PayerPrice consistently found more correct rates than any other vendor.
Analyze in PayerPrice, or export to Excel
We've built the best tools to slice, dice and visualize data, but we don't stop you from using everyone's favorite data tool: Excel.
Unblinded contracts show rates by NPI or tax ID
Understand data at 10,000 feet with charts and averages, and drill down to 1 foot to see contracts by tax ID or NPI.
See how contracts evolve over time
PayerPrice maintains historical archives. See how rates change over time, or get notifications if a rate jumps.

The Challenge

The Opportunity

The Impact
Unlock the Full Potential of Your Healthcare Operations
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